Saturday, January 16, 2010

Four easy ways to lose weight

Losing weight, especially if there is a medical reason why we have to lose weight, can be very difficult. But it really doesn't need to be all that difficult to lose weight. We just have to look at our food and exercise habits a bit differently. Here are four easy ways you can start to lose weight now.

1. Try eating fresh, natural foods as much as you can. Forget the canned foods and processed foods. The natural foods are more abundant in nutrients so they make you feel more full. They will also give you more energy. And they help your body's metabolim work harder to burn off excess fat. So by eating fresh, natural foods you may eat as much but you will get more energy from what you do eat and you'll be able to exercise more.

2. Water is invaluable in losing weight . Try this test: how do you know if your body is hungry or thirsty? Next time you feel hungry, have a glass of water. I'll almost guarantee you'll have lost your appetite or at least you won't be able to eat as much as you thought you could. So, were you hungry or were you really answering your body's need for more water?

Water has other advantages as well. It helps in the digestion of food. And if the water is cold your body will burn calories by increasing its temperature to that of your blood.

3.Chew your food. In this fast-paced world where we are rushing to do everything as quickly as possible, more of us find we are eating our food much more quickly with the result that we aren't chewing it and getting all the nutrients from it we should.. Chewing food helps with the digestion of the food as well as extracting all the nutrients from it. So try to set a reasonable amount of time for you to eat your food, preferably sitting at a table and enjoy every mouthful.

4. Try eating 6-8 small meals per day instead of eating the three large ones we have become used to having.. Large meals make the digestive system work harder. Then the large time span between meals causes you to be more hungry for the next meal so you eat larger portions. And it also encourages you to eat between meals to satisfy that feeling of being peckish.


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