Saturday, January 16, 2010

Easy weight loss

When we think of losing weight we automatically hone in on the word 'losing'. We feel we are giving something up forever. We'll be lost without it. It makes us nervous wondering how will we ever manage without it. But we need to think more positively. We are not giving up or losing food. We will be changing the kind of foods we eat and we will be changing the way we cook our meals. But we will be gaining a healthier lifestyle, greater self esteem and the admiration of all our friends and relatives.

Most of us eat three meals a day. And we feel pretty full after each one. The body starts burning the fat after you have eaten and then, wham! You have another meal before it can finish dealing with the fat from the first. So the body stores that fat. Then you add more to this reservoir of fat by eating another big meal.

Why not spread those three meals out a bit and eat the same amount of food but over six meals.
In this way, your mind will accept you eating the same quantity of food but in six different sittings and will stop you wanting to snack in between meals. And your body will use the fat better to keep the metabolism speeding throughout the entire day. And your stomach will quickly get used to eating less.

Another great tip is to drink more water. Sodas contain all kinds of stuff the body just doesn't need. And diet soda is the worst of all. It contains chemicals that prevent the body's metabolism working properly so you add weight instead of losing it. If you drink water before a meal you'll feel more full and will eat less. And did you know this? Drink ice cold water and the body burns up more calories in making the water the same temperature as your blood. Easy weight loss!!

Finally, you will need to increase the amount of exercise you take each week. If you are not used to exercising then you need to start off slowly whatever exercise you choose to do. At the start of your weight loss program you will probably want to see the calories being burned off rather than wanting your muscles to be more defined. In this case you should walk more, swim, jog or cycle. Start off slowly for about 30 minutes every day and then increase the time or the speed.

And that's really all there is to it. Once you start this simple weight loss program make a commitment to stick to it forever and you will maintain a healthy weight.


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