Saturday, January 16, 2010

Four easy ways to lose weight

Losing weight, especially if there is a medical reason why we have to lose weight, can be very difficult. But it really doesn't need to be all that difficult to lose weight. We just have to look at our food and exercise habits a bit differently. Here are four easy ways you can start to lose weight now.

1. Try eating fresh, natural foods as much as you can. Forget the canned foods and processed foods. The natural foods are more abundant in nutrients so they make you feel more full. They will also give you more energy. And they help your body's metabolim work harder to burn off excess fat. So by eating fresh, natural foods you may eat as much but you will get more energy from what you do eat and you'll be able to exercise more.

2. Water is invaluable in losing weight . Try this test: how do you know if your body is hungry or thirsty? Next time you feel hungry, have a glass of water. I'll almost guarantee you'll have lost your appetite or at least you won't be able to eat as much as you thought you could. So, were you hungry or were you really answering your body's need for more water?

Water has other advantages as well. It helps in the digestion of food. And if the water is cold your body will burn calories by increasing its temperature to that of your blood.

3.Chew your food. In this fast-paced world where we are rushing to do everything as quickly as possible, more of us find we are eating our food much more quickly with the result that we aren't chewing it and getting all the nutrients from it we should.. Chewing food helps with the digestion of the food as well as extracting all the nutrients from it. So try to set a reasonable amount of time for you to eat your food, preferably sitting at a table and enjoy every mouthful.

4. Try eating 6-8 small meals per day instead of eating the three large ones we have become used to having.. Large meals make the digestive system work harder. Then the large time span between meals causes you to be more hungry for the next meal so you eat larger portions. And it also encourages you to eat between meals to satisfy that feeling of being peckish.


Exercises for weight loss

Losing weight requires that you think about the food you are eating but it is also important that you do some extra exercise.

But you don't have to buy a membership to a gym. Think about this: if you eat what you are eating now and you do more exercise, you will lose some weight. I know, it will be pretty slow but you will be burning more calories than you were last week so you will lose weight.

So let's think about simple things you can do to exercise more without paying expensive fees for a gym.

1.Go for a walk: Walking for 30 minutes every day will burn of calories and increase the strength of your heart and your legs. You can start this slowly and work up your speed gradually to burn up more calories.
2.Climb the stairs more often. Simply by going upstairs in your house more than once a day (when you go to bed), find reasons to go up more often. Losing weight can be a good reason. Walk up first then start moving faster. Similarly in stores or at work, use the stairs not the lift.
3.Cycle more: You could use your cycle more often but I'm talking here about those mini cycles you can use whilst your sat down ñ in your office, watching TV or when you're on the computer.
4.Dance: Again I don't mean going out for dancing lessons ñ although that would be good exercise if you want to learn to dance, I mean in your home. If you're standing up and washing up or peeling vegetables (eating them is also very good for losing weight) move your feet a bit more or dance to some music. Any extra movement of the body will increase the calorie burn-up.
5.People who spend a lot of time sitting down burn only two thirds of the calories that active people do. So find every opportunity to move more. Twiddle your thumbs. Shake your leg whilst watching TV. Get up during the adverts and walk about the house for three minutes. Tap your feet if you're at your desk. These mini exercises will help keep your muscles and joints loose and will increase your body's metabolism and burn the calories faster.

You can see that it doesn't have to be costly to undertake more exercise and you can do very small exercises you had probably never thought of before to help in your weight loss.


Easy weight loss

When we think of losing weight we automatically hone in on the word 'losing'. We feel we are giving something up forever. We'll be lost without it. It makes us nervous wondering how will we ever manage without it. But we need to think more positively. We are not giving up or losing food. We will be changing the kind of foods we eat and we will be changing the way we cook our meals. But we will be gaining a healthier lifestyle, greater self esteem and the admiration of all our friends and relatives.

Most of us eat three meals a day. And we feel pretty full after each one. The body starts burning the fat after you have eaten and then, wham! You have another meal before it can finish dealing with the fat from the first. So the body stores that fat. Then you add more to this reservoir of fat by eating another big meal.

Why not spread those three meals out a bit and eat the same amount of food but over six meals.
In this way, your mind will accept you eating the same quantity of food but in six different sittings and will stop you wanting to snack in between meals. And your body will use the fat better to keep the metabolism speeding throughout the entire day. And your stomach will quickly get used to eating less.

Another great tip is to drink more water. Sodas contain all kinds of stuff the body just doesn't need. And diet soda is the worst of all. It contains chemicals that prevent the body's metabolism working properly so you add weight instead of losing it. If you drink water before a meal you'll feel more full and will eat less. And did you know this? Drink ice cold water and the body burns up more calories in making the water the same temperature as your blood. Easy weight loss!!

Finally, you will need to increase the amount of exercise you take each week. If you are not used to exercising then you need to start off slowly whatever exercise you choose to do. At the start of your weight loss program you will probably want to see the calories being burned off rather than wanting your muscles to be more defined. In this case you should walk more, swim, jog or cycle. Start off slowly for about 30 minutes every day and then increase the time or the speed.

And that's really all there is to it. Once you start this simple weight loss program make a commitment to stick to it forever and you will maintain a healthy weight.


7 Tips for losing weight cheaply

Unfortunately, many people starting out on a weight loss program tend to think that they are going to have to spend a lot of money by joining a weight loss club or buying a membership to a gym or buying vitamin supplements. This is not necessary but it really depends on your personality whether you need the support and accountability provided by a weight loss club or gym. If you choose to follow the six tips below you will see how losing weight can be done cheaply

1. When doing any exercise ñ even if it is going for a daily walk, try to do it with someone else. It is better and easier to do anything with the support of another positive person.

2. When eating at a restaurant, ask if they do children's portions and order one of those for yourself. If they don't, ask a companion if they want to share your meal and get the waiter or chef to put the meal on two plates (they will soon start catering for people who want to eat less).

3. Drink a lot more water. Water cleanses the system. It helps us digest our food better. It makes us feel full so is good for preventing those between meal snacks. The body burns calories by bringing the water up to the temperature of the blood ñ so drink ice cold water.

4. Exercise more by using your stairs more often. In fact use the stairs when you are shopping or at the office. Walk more. Move about more. Even in the kitchen when preparing your meal you can move your feet. Swing your leg whilst watching TV. Shake your legs when your sat at your computer desk.

5. Do you enjoy dancing or gardening? Put some time in at the dancing club or in the garden and burn up lots of calories

6. Prepare your three daily meals but eat them in six sittings so that your body is absorbing less fat each time and it becomes easier for your body to burn off the calories. Your stomach will also become used to smaller quantities and you won't be able to eat big meals again.

7. Do some exercises before you go to bed ñ exercises that make you out of breath (even that!). Your body will burn off oodles of fat whilst you are sleeping.

Now you can see how some simple changes to your eating and drinking pattern can help you to lose weight without going on a full-scale diet.